How to create an intentional habit: 5 steps to habits that help you thrive

How to create an intentional habit: 5 steps to habits that help you thrive

Are you ready for BIG CHANGE in your life but unsure of where to start?

I have the perfect thing for you..

Download my FREE CHECKLIST: 10 action-steps to inspire BIG CHANGE and start paving your path to THRIVING.

I get a lot of questions about how to create and track habits. So I figured, since you know I’m all about thriving, I would give a quick little 5 step process on how to create habits that support and push you to thrive.

Habits are a big leap towards thriving. When you create a habit that is centered around the feelings associated with thriving, there is only one place to go, THRIVING.

Seriously. It’s that simple.

And it’s not easy. Habits should push you, the same as goals. Habits are creating your best self. And no one’s best self is super easy to obtain (I’m sorry, but it’s just not! – as easy as some people make it look, dedicating time every day to be your best self takes determination and perseverance).

Habits are one of the first steps towards thriving.

So I want you to take that step today and go through my 5 step process to help you create habits around your thrive needs.


Thrive & Transformational Life Coach pushing you towards BIG CHANGE


1.  Explore your thrive needs.

Examine what makes you feel GOOD in each area of your life: environment (home, work, car, anywhere you spend time), beauty, relationships, health & wellness, work/career/business, personal development, social, financial, spiritual, etc. This can take some time since there are a lot of different areas of your life and they all interact to create the thriving life that you want. It’s important not to forget any one of the areas that are important to you because habits are what builds that area of your life and moves you closer to thriving.

2.  Describe the habit.

For each area, re-write your statements as habits that you could form. For example, for beauty one of my thrive needs is to get my hair in order (I have pretty wavy/frizzy hair and sometimes it’s just easier to throw it up in a bun, but then it leaves it as a ratty mess and makes me feel super BLAH). I could make a few different habits out of this one. One could be, get my hair cut every couple months. Or take 10 minutes each morning to do something with my hair so I feel like it’s not just thrown together (I could even start with 5 minutes). Or after I wash my hair (I don’t wash my hair every day), I take the few extra minutes after the shower to squeeze out the water and give my hair a little love (usually I am SUPER unmotivated to do this, but it actually makes a really big difference). See what I mean? Take your thrive needs, re-work them into a habit.

3.  Break the habit down into bite-sized chunks.

For example, if you want to go for a walk every day for 1 hour and that is the habit you would like to form, but at the moment you are spending 0 minutes walking, then taking the leap to 1 hour would be a tough one to keep up. So break it down. Start with 15 minutes, even 10 minutes is a great place to start. Help yourself feel successful. Do that for a week or so, and then bump it up. The point of a habit is to make you FEEL GOOD and THRIVE, it’s not to make you feel down on yourself and beat yourself up each day that you do not do it. That would discourage you from starting the habit-building process in the first place.

4.  Create a schedule/plan.

It is easier to keep up with a habit if you create a schedule or a plan surrounding it. For example, I want to stretch every day. But days would go by where I would say, Oh I can do it later, or I’ll do it when my little one goes to bed. And then I would forget. The moment I set in stone my time frame, I’m going to stretch while my daughter eats her breakfast, throw the yoga mat on the floor next to the dining room table, and do my stretches and deep breathing, it made it so much more real, so much more attainable, and it happens way more often than not. Having the time frame be wishy-washy, makes the habit wishy-washy, and it makes it a lot more difficult to actually form the habit. So set a time frame. I didn’t say a super specific time like 8:15. That just sets you up for failure (of course if you have to make it to a certain yoga class each day and it starts at 9am, well you have to be there by 9am, but you know what I mean). Give yourself a time frame. Give yourself a specific time of day. Lately, I decided that I want to have 5 of my habits done before noon. So when noon is getting closer and I haven’t listened to a podcast or stretched or taken my juice plus, I know that I can get those done in my time frame and push myself.

5.  Execute and Track.

Now it’s time to put your plan in motion. Set yourself up for success (do you see a theme here). Make your time frame reasonable. Start with those little chunks and GET MOVING. Track your progress. Even if you didn’t get 10 minutes of stretching in, go for 5. It’s ok to take baby steps. Because even those baby steps are going to feel good. Even if you get 5 minutes in, you’re going to be like, hey, I got 5 minutes of stretching in! That is the positivity I want to build up inside of yourself, because the more wins you have, the stronger your habits will become, and you will be paving your way to thriving one habit at a time!

This is process is explored extensively in the first module, Value, of my upcoming course, Deserve to Thrive. Through targeted questioning, I help you discover your thrive needs in each area of your life, connect them to to daily habits, help you break them down into small manageable chunks (you’re not going to start ALL the habits at once!), and create a plan for you to solidify your habits and pave your path to thriving (examining your obstacles to creating the habits (both past, present, and future) and creating a plan to overcome them).

Are you ready to thrive?

Are you feeling stuck? Stagnant? Hindered from moving forward?

Then I have the PERFECT thing for you.

Introducing: My BRAND NEW course, Deserve to Thrive.

It is a 8-week self study course where I take you through the steps to thriving. You will set your intentions, create goals and daily routines, explore what is holding you back and how to overcome your obstacles.

Sound like something you’d love? I thought so.

It’s finally here!

You don’t want to miss it! 

You deserve to thrive. You owe this to yourself.

5 steps to align yourself with your core values

5 steps to align yourself with your core values

Now is the time to TRANSFORM your life

(and create the life you deserve).

Get your FREE checklist of 10 ACTION-STEPS to INSPIRE BIG CHANGE and start paving your path to THRIVING.

Are you ready for BIG CHANGE in your life but unsure of where to start?

I have the perfect thing for you..

Download my FREE CHECKLIST: 10 action-steps to inspire BIG CHANGE and start paving your path to THRIVING.

You also get access to my FULL LIBRARY of resources to help you thrive in your life including a Gratitude Journal, Habit Tracker, Best Self workbook with 100+ affirmations, a Goal Setting Workbook, and SO. MUCH. MORE!

Want to integrate Affirmations more into your life?

Are you ready to take one step closer to your BEST self? And really CONNECT to that version of you?

Then, I have the perfect thing for you..

Grab your FREE BEST SELF WORKBOOK. Inside, you'll find:

- 101 positive affirmations so that you ALWAYS know the perfect affirmation for you

- a gratitude journal worksheet with space for one week's worth of gratitude (so you NEVER forget to lean into gratitude)

- a daily affirmation tracker/scheduler so that you ACTUALLY use them and are intentional about practicing affirmations

- Journal Prompts to help you go DEEPER into your self love, connection to yourself, and build self confidence so that you move on your path from surviving to thriving.

We go through life, day by day, doing the things that we need to do. We go to work. We watch after our kids. Pay our bills. Clean the house. Cook dinner. We also do the things that we WANT to do. We go on vacations. We see our friends. We connect with our spouses and children.   But honestly, sometimes I feel like life can be consumed by the things that we NEED to do and not by the things that we WANT to do.

Anyone relate?

So it’s really important that even what you need to do, your obligations, your work, your responsibilities are in line with what you want, your core values. Because otherwise, life is just a string of days that can feel meaningless and empty, or stressful and hectic, or chaotic and jumbled all into one. And that isn’t living. That isn’t THRIVING.

It’s surviving.

I want to talk a little bit about alignment and your core values. And how you can grow in alignment with your core values. How you can take the things that you need to do, and line them up with the things that you want to do. How you can grow in your happiness.

How you can move forward on your path towards thriving.

And it starts with understanding what your core values are. Understanding what it is you actually need to thrive day in and day out (your thrive needs). The things that make you YOU. The things that make you light up, feel refreshed, feel useful, feel your CORE desired feelings.

The things that make you HAPPY.

Because as you grow in your understanding of what you NEED to thrive, you are then able to attune more to what shifts and changes need to happen in your life so that your obligations and responsibilities are in alignment with what you want for your life.

And those shifts and changes lead you towards thriving.

They lead you towards a fulfilled life. A life of purpose, because of a life of purpose means that you are living FOR your core values.  You are living FOR yourself.

If this is your first time, or your 50th time visiting my website, you will come to find (or come to already know) that I am all about ACTION and taking small bite-sized action steps that bring you closer to thriving.

I created a 5 step plan for you to help you on your path towards alignment.

And when you are more aligned, you’re happier.

When you’re happier, you thrive.


Thrive & Transformational Life Coach pushing you towards BIG CHANGE



1.  Explore your core values

For this step, I just want you to brainstorm. What is it that you want? Think about the major categories of your life. They are different for everyone but generally they are:  physical health (health, fitness, and wellness), mental health (confidence, identity, purpose, passion), social (friendships, social support, adventure/excitement), romance (love, relationships, connection, confidence), financial (work, opportunities, money mindset), professional (career/job, starting own biz, purpose, passion), and familial (motherhood, parenting, marriage).  Really examine the values that are associated with each. Explore what you learned growing up. How those values are manifested (or not manifested) now. Explore your desired values. Really get down to what is important to you in each of these categories.

2. Explore your thrive needs and where those core values fit in.

Take the categories that you explored above and brainstorm what you need to do daily to feel like you are thriving in that area. What you need to do to feel closer to your best self each day. How does this interact with your core values? How does this counteract your core values (if it does)?

3. Examine your daily obligations.

Take those categories and brainstorm what your obligations are in each one. What you HAVE to do each day. Get extensive with this list. Waking up at 6am can be an obligation. Eating breakfast. Examine each category for your responsibilities on the day to day.

4. Pair your daily obligations with your core values and thrive needs.

This is where it can get tricky. Next, look at your obligations and your core values/thrive needs. Where do you see matches (meaning your core values/thrive needs are in alignment with what you already do – your obligations/responsibilities).  Find the disconnects. Where in your life are your obligations not in alignment with your core values and what you need to thrive? For example, if one of your thrive needs is to spend a lot of time with your child or spouse, but your work is a 80 hour a week job, there is a disconnect. Find the matches and find the disconnects. There will probably be both. Acknowledge the places in your life where you are in alignment, and acknowledge the places that you are not. (You will also find I am a HUGE fan of acknowledgement!).

5. Examine how you can create more matches between your obligations and your core values and thrive needs.

Here is where you start creating a plan. What do you need to create more matches? What would it look like? Start brainstorming how you can attack the disconnects between your core values/thrive needs and your obligations/responsibilities.

This is explored extensively in the first module, Value, of my upcoming course, Deserve to Thrive. Through targeted questioning, I help you discover your core values and thrive needs, connect them to your daily obligations and responsibilities AND your dreams and desires, and create a plan for alignment through not only goal setting, but intentional and mindful living.

Are you ready for BIG CHANGE in your life but unsure of where to start?

I have the perfect thing for you..

Download my FREE CHECKLIST: 10 action-steps to inspire BIG CHANGE and start paving your path to THRIVING.

You also get access to my FULL LIBRARY of resources to help you thrive in your life including a Gratitude Journal, Habit Tracker, Best Self workbook with 100+ affirmations, a Goal Setting Workbook, and SO. MUCH. MORE!

Want to integrate Affirmations more into your life?

Are you ready to take one step closer to your BEST self? And really CONNECT to that version of you?

Then, I have the perfect thing for you..

Grab your FREE BEST SELF WORKBOOK. Inside, you'll find:

- 101 positive affirmations so that you ALWAYS know the perfect affirmation for you

- a gratitude journal worksheet with space for one week's worth of gratitude (so you NEVER forget to lean into gratitude)

- a daily affirmation tracker/scheduler so that you ACTUALLY use them and are intentional about practicing affirmations

- Journal Prompts to help you go DEEPER into your self love, connection to yourself, and build self confidence so that you move on your path from surviving to thriving.

5 reasons why you are Enough

5 reasons why you are Enough

Now is the time to TRANSFORM your life

(and create the life you deserve).

Get your FREE checklist of 10 ACTION-STEPS to INSPIRE BIG CHANGE and start paving your path to THRIVING.

Grab your I am Enough mini workbook.

In it you will get a gratitude journal, 2 action-steps, 2 self-care activities, and 2 self discovery questions aimed at helping you feel closer to believing “I am Enough”.

Grab my free workbook and you can start today!

Plus you get access to a FULL LIBRARY of resources to help you thrive like a habit tracker, self love workbook, 10 steps to Thrive Checklist, and SO. MUCH. MORE!

The phrase is like a plague.

I am not enough.

I am not pretty enough.

I am not smart enough.

I am not a good enough wife.

I am not strong enough.

I am not confident enough.

The list goes on and on and ON and ON.

Because I know that I’m not alone if having these thoughts pop in once in awhile and I know I’m not alone in the fact that they may or may not pop in a LOT.

But, UGH, I hate it.

Because it isn’t true.

I think it’s a load of © #$%.

Because while you sit there comparing yourself to that woman over there, that woman over there is comparing herself to the lady sitting on that bench, while the lady sitting on that bench is comparing herself to the mom pushing her kid on the swings, while the mom pushing her kid on the swings is comparing herself to her sister, while her sister is comparing herself to her best friend.

I could keep going, but I’ll spare you because I’m pretty sure you get the picture.

And the truth is that ALL of the women above, including YOU, are ENOUGH.

And here are 5 reasons why.

5 reasons why to believe the affirmation I am Enough. Grab your I am Enough workbook to begin your journey towards self love and compassion.


Thrive & Transformational Life Coach pushing you towards BIG CHANGE



And if you think you have to be perfect, there is your problem. And jeez, what pressure to be perfect all the time! Look, whoever you believe in, God, the universe, whoever he, she or it is, they did not intend for you to be perfect. You are allowed to make mistakes. You are allowed to fall sometimes. You are allowed to try things out and when you fail move on to something else. But you have to ALLOW yourself to be imperfect. You can’t do it all. Whatever you can do is enough as long as you keep going for it, pushing yourself, doing what you can when you can for as long as you can.


Yes, you’re going to make mistakes. I’m sorry, but it’s going to happen. It sucks, but it’s the reality of us being imperfect. It’s not fun, it can be really hard, and make you feel real bad. But no matter the bad that you feel, you can always learn from your mistakes. You can always use them to better yourself and grow and change and shift and move forward, which brings me to my next point.


You do. No matter how stagnant you feel or how long you have been where you are in life, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t. You can make changes. You can grow. Always. It is always an option. But please, no matter what you want to change, where you want to grow, what goals you have, you are ALWAYS enough. Believing that when you achieve this or that you will feel enough is not the answer. You are always enough through your growth and change.


One of our problems in thinking that we are not enough is that we are constantly comparing ourselves to others, am I right? Yeah, I know I’m right, because I do it too! She’s a kickass mom who does everything perfectly, always has the right snacks for her kids, they are always doing amazing art projects, and the house is never a mess (Yeah Right!). She is a successful entrepreneur who has never struggled, whose business was instantly successful, who helps people wherever she goes, and who never has to worry about money (double yeah right!). She is so incredibly beautiful she never worries about her appearance, is always put together, knows the exact outfit to wear daily, and everyone just loves her. These are the CRAZY (sorry, but yeah I said it) things that we think sometimes and these insane thoughts are what bring us down.


You do. You deserve to have everything that you want. You deserve to do exactly what feeds your soul and your passions. You deserve to have someone adore you. You deserve to be healthy and happy. You deserve ALL of these things. And I don’t have to know you to tell you that you deserve it because I already know that you do.

3 CRUCIAL steps to FIERCELY love yourself

3 CRUCIAL steps to FIERCELY love yourself

Do you want to take one step closer to your BEST self? Do you want to love yourself FIERCELY?

Then, I have the perfect thing for you..

Join my FREE 5-day mini email course. We will deep dive into the affirmation: I DESERVE TO THRIVE, and begin creating your habit of self love, gratitude, AND taking daily action towards thriving.

We all want to be our BEST self, am I right?

You wouldn’t have landed on this page if you didn’t.

You want to be your BEST self.

Not you’re “just ok” self.

Not you’re “good enough” self.

But your BEST self.

The self that is totally, completely, and wholeheartedly YOU.

The self where you shine, you are authentic, you give to others, and give to yourself.

The self where you are in constant connection with others and loving yourself is part of your daily action and self care.

The self that is surrounded by JOY each and every day and steps up to the plate when challenges arise (can you tell I was a softball player?).  

Now that sounds like a pretty badass BEST self to me.

And I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that she is who you want to be.

I’m right, aren’t I?

I thought so.

So I wanted to give you a few tips to help you on your way to your best self.


Thrive & Transformational Life Coach pushing you towards BIG CHANGE


A few important keys to loving yourself more each and every day.

  1. Accept yourself
  2. Celebrate yourself
  3. Forgive yourself

Accept yourself.

What does this look like? Well, it looks like accepting your amazing parts as well as the not so amazing parts (because we have to be honest with ourselves, even though we are badasses, we still have those parts of us that are not so badass). Accepting the parts of you that need work (we ALL need work). The parts of you who fail sometimes (we ALL fail and flounder and falter – its life, we are humans, and it is O. freakin K).

Do you see a pattern here?

We ALL are imperfect.

Perfectly imperfect.

There is no such thing as perfect.

So why get so down on yourself when you’re not!?

It’s time to accept yourself for your imperfections and allow yourself to grow through them.

So what does acceptance mean?

It means that negative self talk needs to go out the window.


Get rid of it already. It’s old. Overdone. We’ve heard it too many times.

Often we are meaner to ourselves than we would ever be to our worst enemy.

What the heck is up with that?

So quit that negative self talk.

Instead, acknowledge mistakes. Acknowledge that you are human. Acknowledge that you are NOT perfect and that you can always GROW.

Because that’s what it comes down to. Growth.

And if you believe you can always grow, that you can always get better, that you can always get closer to the you you want to be, then you will accept yourself.

And that is getting one step closer to loving yourself more deeply.

Note: Accepting yourself doesn’t mean you just accept and move on. If there are things you want to change, do it. But love yourself while you do it. Accept that you are on a journey towards self improvement. Love that you CAN change. That you have the power. That you have the strength. Love that you have the ability to push yourself and mold yourself into who you want to be, because you DO have that power.

And if you need help coming up with affirmations that target your negative self talk and grow your ability to ACCEPT YOURSELF…

Then I have the perfect thing fo you! 

Celebrate yourself.

Yup, I said it. Throw yourself a little party. Do a happy dance. Run around the house in your underwear screaming I AM AMAZING!

Celebrate your wins. Your awesomeness. When you kick ass at something. When you kill it at work. When you’re a super good friend. When you make that perfect lane change that ended up with you passing 100 cars. When you come up with a really great idea. When you land the perfect partner. When you hit that high note finally. When you nail a beef bourguignon like Julia freakin’ Childs.

CELEBRATE yourself.


Without fail.

Because when you celebrate yourself, you are APPRECIATING yourself. You are acknowledging that you have some great things about you, that you are WORTH IT. That you can SHINE.

And being able to notice those things about yourself is just another step towards loving yourself more each day.

Find something EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. to celebrate about yourself.

Because let’s be completely honest, you’re pretty freakin awesome.

And that deserves celebration.

Are you ready to get going and create YOUR BEST SELF?

I’m here to help you and SO want you to get what you want..

Join my FREE 5-day email course to get you started on your road to YOUR BEST SELF!

Forgive yourself.

Seriously. This is a big one and maybe one of the hardest.

Let your mistakes go. Learn from them. Don’t repeat them. But LET THEM GO.

We’re human.

We’re allowed to F up here and there. We lose lovers. We disconnect from friends. We make a mistake at work. We look down at our phones for a split second and ram into a gardener’s truck (yup, that was me as a college student – thankfully no one was hurt, but I was sure freaked out!). We get angry and say things we shouldn’t have. We marry the wrong person. We make the wrong decisions.

We make mistakes.

And it’s ok.

It sucks.

But it’s ok.

We’re allowed to make mistakes.

It’s inevitable.

(Remember that “We’re not perfect” thing from earlier – yeah that applies here).

It’s not fun.

And we hurt and we make others hurt and we take steps back in our lives and we steer ourselves off course and we lose ourselves.

But it’s ok.

When you can forgive yourself freely, you are one step closer to loving yourself unconditionally.

And I know that is what you want.

Unconditional love for yourself.

That is what you deserve.

So go out there and LOVE yourself each day.

Accept yourself.

Celebrate yourself.

Forgive yourself.

Fill your life with love for yourself so you can give love to others.

Do you struggle with self love?

Tell me about it.

Do you want to make self love a habit?


What about gratitude?


What if I told you you could create the HABIT of taking action towards feeling your BEST self every single day?


You'd probably want in, am I right?


You are here because you want CHANGE. You want to move forward in your life.

You want to THRIVE when you are only surviving.

You want to get UNSTUCK. 


And I’m here to tell you, YOU CAN.



Imagine if were...

You deserve to be your best self

Every. Single. Day.

31 Positive Affirmations for Every Day of the Month

31 Positive Affirmations for Every Day of the Month

Want to integrate Affirmations more into your life?

Are you ready to take one step closer to your BEST self? And really CONNECT to that version of you?

Then, I have the perfect thing for you..


Inside, you’ll find:

– 101 positive affirmations so that you ALWAYS know the perfect affirmation for you

– a gratitude journal worksheet with space for one week’s worth of gratitude (so you NEVER forget to lean into gratitude)

– a daily affirmation tracker/scheduler so that you ACTUALLY use them and are intentional about practicing affirmations

– Journal Prompts to help you go DEEPER into your self love, connection to yourself, and build self confidence so that you move on your path from surviving to thriving.

(as part of the Thrive Resource Library JAM-PACKED with workbooks, courses, worksheets, and trainings designed to help you thrive).

I’m going to be brutally honest here. I used to think positive affirmations were a whole lot of bologna [ yup, just said that phrase, and yup, no one other than your grandmother has used it in the last 30 years].

I just didn’t get it.

Looking into the mirror, or closing my eyes, saying a phrase was not going to get me anything. It wasn’t going to make me beautiful or successful or a badass. It wasn’t going to make my bank account double or have clients show up on my doorstep begging to work with me. It wasn’t going to magically help me meet prince charming who was going to whisk me away to a tropical paradise to live and bask in the sun all day.

Positive affirmations can’t do that.

And I got caught up in what they couldn’t do.

Until I realized that positive affirmations had been everywhere in my life, I just hadn’t noticed them yet.

They were there when I was up to bat in the 10th inning of the National Championship game when I was 19. They were there when I quit my job to teach English and travel Southeast Asia on my own. They were there when I decided to open myself back up to love after a heartbreak. They were there when I took the plunge into private practice when I only had 2 clients.

They were ALWAYS there.

Because I believed in myself and had been raised on the mindset of constantly telling myself I believed in myself.

You’re going to get a hit. You deserve to travel. You have so much love to give. You are successful.

These were the positive affirmations that I told myself without realizing it.

So now that I have the awareness that I’ve used positive affirmations in my life on the daily my whole life and I KNOW that they work, I’m a big believer in championing my clients to integrate them into their daily life.

And even though my opinion on positive affirmations has now changed, I do believe that along with the new mindset you are creating you MUST take action.

Let me repeat that again for all of you who need reminders:


You gotta get up and do something!

You can’t just sit there, say the words, and **POOF** amazingness happens.

And when you start believe in these affirmations and say your favorites daily, the more you will take action, the more you will put yourself out there, the more you will take chances, the more you will make changes, the more amazingness will just happen.

I guarantee it.


Thrive & Transformational Life Coach pushing you towards BIG CHANGE


So what I want you to do is this:

list 3 things you can do during the day so that you fulfill that affirmation.

For example, here are 3 things I can do during the day so that I fulfill this affirmation: “I deserve to thrive.”  I’m going to pick an area of my life where I feel like I am not thriving, but surviving. So for this example I am going to choose: HEALTH.

1.  I am going to stretch in the morning and loosen up my body.

2. I’m going to spend some time outside and exercise (if its raining or snowing, I will make sure I do some activity in the house that makes me sweat – yoga on YouTube, 8 minute abs, etc.).

3.  I am going to plan a healthy meal for dinner (thanks Pinterest!).

Does doing these things change my life? No. But they do get me a step closer to what I want, to thrive. They put me on the path and if I create habits out of these 3 things, I will definitely be closer to thriving in my health.

So I invite you to try it too. And let me know how it goes.

And don’t worry! I have you covered. I have made a tracker for your affirmations and your tasks. Its in my Your Best Self Workbook. Grab yours inside the Thrive Resource Library HERE!

And if you’re into the workbook, then you definitely won’t want to miss the Your Best Self email course. Check it out!

I give you examples of action-steps you can take to feel ALL of these affirmations and make sure you are feeling your BEST SELF.

I have something you will love.

A weekly email course where each week deep dives into a new affirmation, gives you ideas for action-steps to FEEL that affirmation and manifest it in your life, take steps towards THRIVING, and be your BEST SELF.

You will also receive self care tips, inpiration, and self discovery questions to help you explore who you are and how to move forward in your life, get UNSTUCK and start THRIVING.

You're going to LOVE it.

(The Your Best Self Email Course is a part of the Thrive Resource library)

Are you ready to get going and create YOUR BEST SELF?

I’m here to help you and SO want you to get what you want..

Grab the workbook and you can start today!

Do you need a mindset shift?

Use these affirmations to shift your mindset towards growth and positivity!

Get Instant Access to my growing library of FREE resources

Here you will jump into the THRIVE vault! Tons of resources (workbooks, checklists, etc) designed to help you on your path to thriving in your self improvement, business, health & wellness and so much more!

You're in! Check your email for the URL and exclusive Password of the Free THRIVE! Resource Library!