Why you have plenty of time to reach your goals every single day.

Why you have plenty of time to reach your goals every single day.

Are you ready to MOVE FORWARD and REACH your goals?

I have the perfect thing for you..

Download my FREE WORKBOOK: The Goal Crushing Guide. Let me show you the exact framework I use to accomplish my goals every single day and feel constant momentum towards my desires.

The answer is not to have more hours in the day.

Seriously. End of discussion. You do NOT need more hours in your day.


I just saw a Facebook ad that said something along the lines of “How would you like a few more hours in the day” and it just made me think, we have 24 hours in a day! That is PLENTY!


I asked my subscribers and group members the other day what their #1 struggle is when it comes to goal setting and achieving. And what I received was a resounding answer of: TIME!


Again, the answer is not to have more hours in a day. Every single day, without fail, we have 24 hours to deal with. And honestly, I think that is freakin amazing and beautiful that we get that much time EVERY day. We wake up, and we get time. We go to sleep knowing that we will have time the next day.

Every day = time.


But I get it. Time gets sucked up by your million things on your to-do list. Your responsibilities, work, family, obligations, making dinner (ugh….dinner), and everything in between. I totally get what it feels like to think you have no time to do the things that you want to do, to achieve your goals, to MOVE FORWARD in your life, to take your business and life to the next freakin level.


I get it, because I’ve been there.


And I found myself pulling my hair out with frustration. I found myself crying at the end of the day when I felt like I got nothing done that I wanted to get done. That I had no progress, that I felt like I was constantly doing things for others instead of myself and my business. I questioned what the heck I was doing with my life and how did I get here (yeah it went THAT deep).


And even though the brainstorming with my husband led to thoughts of daycare so that I could get MORE TIME, I realized… what the freakin heck, I have PLENTY of time, I am just not managing it the RIGHT way.


So I wanted to share with you THREE of my favorite tips to getting things done during the day and working towards your goals.

These tips are explored in a much deeper way in my new program SPRINT!: Setting yourself up for success one goal at a time. To learn more about it and stay in the loop for discounts and specials, click here.


Thrive & Transformational Life Coach pushing you towards BIG CHANGE


1. Get more sleep.

I know this sounds counter-intuitive to the more time movement because this may feel like you’re taking time away from your day. But in reality, it adds so much more time because you are refreshed and rejuvenated and READY to conquer your day, rather than dragging your feet because you stayed up until 3am working on your sales page and now you don’t have the brainpower or energy to do much else.

Currently, I am 38 weeks pregnant with a toddler (luckily she sleeps through the night). For awhile I was waking up at 6am and getting my journaling and mindset work done before anyone else woke up. It felt REAL good to start the day off that way, BUT I was also sacrificing an hour of sleep that would also feel REAL good especially knowing that in a few short weeks, I will be getting a whole lot less sleep! I had to decide which one was more important, my sleep or my mindset work, and what I chose was sleep, because it helped me be a lot more ready and open for my mindset work when I was able to get it done later in the morning. I chose to sleep because I knew that I needed it. Not everyone needs this and if I wasn’t expecting a new baby, I probably would have kept up with my routine (I also used to wake up at 5 to do my Miracle Morning routine, but had to stop when I was getting less sleep due to becoming more and more pregnant).

The reason why I tell you this is because I want you to KNOW yourself. Yes, goal setting is about pushing yourself and doing the things that others aren’t doing or won’t do in order to get the results you want, but in order to hit your goals, you NEED to take care of yourself or else hitting your goals is worthless. You will feel like you have more time in the day if you are feeling STRONG and CONFIDENT and sleep will get you that.

My advice is to wake up at the same time every day. I am a huge fan of sleeping in, but I found that it really rocked my productivity in the day and made me feel even more lethargic). So keeping to a schedule of waking up at the same time can give you 1) the predictability of knowing when you need to go to sleep or start winding down and 2) a deeper connection with your body and mind – your body and mind can expect to be getting up at a certain time and thus get the amount of rest that they need – allow them to do that!

2. Create time blocks.

This has been a freakin LIFE. SAVER. For me. Seriously. I had heard people talk about it over and over again, but I was resistant (yeah, I can be stubborn like that) for some reason. NO MORE. And when I say time blocks, I don’t mean you HAVE to have an hour time block every time. These blocks can be 15 minutes or 30 minutes or FIVE minutes. It doesn’t matter. But when you can start creating a flow for your day where you know what to expect and don’t have to think about it (sometimes the thinking is half the battle!) you get so much more done. Yes, I know, for you moms out there this is hard, but I’m a mom too, and even with the unpredictability of the day, I still create some predictability and order (with a dose of flexibility).

So what are time blocks? They’re kind of exactly how they sound. You are assigning a block of time to something, for example, from 8-9 I am going to work on course creation, from 9-10 is playtime and so on. I even block out 15-20 minutes for clean-up or if I want to get laundry done, I know that I can get it done during this time. It makes it a whole lot easier to actually get the things done when I don’t have to think about what I need to do. Which brings me to my next tip….

3. Create your schedule for the next day the night before.

Using the time blocks that I have created, I personally like to write down my schedule for the following day. This actually acts as a “decluttering” of my brain and allows me to relax more knowing that I know exactly what I will get done the next day. When my daughter goes down to nap, I don’t have to look at my long list of to-dos and pick what I’m going to do for the next couple hours. I already have it written down, so I can actually get going on it probably 10 minutes earlier than I would have (and than I had in the past). When I know exactly what I want to accomplish for the next 45 minutes or so, I actually tend NOT to waste that 45 minutes by going on Facebook or doing some other tasks around the house to put off my work, which I totally did when I didn’t know what I was going to work on.

It’s like lining out my schedule created more time for myself where the reality was I had no more time than I did before. It allowed me not to waste time thinking because I already did the thinking beforehand. It allowed me to lose the stress of figuring out what to do or what would be the most important thing for me to do right now, because I already chose.

And most importantly, this also allowed me figure out the tasks that I “had” to do and also make sure I got the tasks that I wanted to do done. I didn’t spend 2 hours working on some menial tasks and then not even get to the creative part of my business. I had already decided that I would spend 50 minutes on admin work and then move on to the fun stuff. This made me a MUCH happier camper by the end of the day because I actually felt GOOD about what I was doing.

After I started implementing these THREE tips to making more time in my day, I was seriously so much happier. I was getting things done that I WANTED to get done while still enjoying my day and doing the things that I NEEDED to get done. Honestly, I stopped being a crabby patty and started connecting more to myself and to others.

Um, yeah. I’d say that was a win!

Don’t Forget!


And start setting yourself up for success TODAY!

You’re holding on too tightly: How to release your past hurts

You’re holding on too tightly: How to release your past hurts

Now is the time to TRANSFORM your life

(and create the life you deserve).

Get your FULLY-LOADED checklist of 10 ACTION-STEPS to INSPIRE BIG CHANGE and start paving your path to THRIVING.

(as part of the Thrive Resource Library)

Are you really READY to release your past hurts?

Are you ready to take one step closer to thriving in your life?

Then, I have the perfect thing for you..

Grab your Release Past Hurts Workbook as a part of the EXCLUSIVE Thrive Resource Library (VALUE $421).

Inside, you’ll find:

  • A Five-Step PROVEN Approach to Releasing your Hurts: Dive into my  step-by-step formula for connecting to your feelings of hurt and pain and allowing them transform into feelings that lead to thriving
  • Deep Dive Journal Prompts + Exercises: For each step, you will receive 2-3+ deep dive journal prompts and exercises helping you explore the concepts deeper and take action towards doing the necessary release work

Part of the EXCLUSIVE Thrive Resource Library packed with resources designed to help you thrive.

Holding on to your past hurts from others can be toxic.

Trust me, I know from experience.

When you have been hurt, or wronged, or taken advantage of, it tends to stick with you. I don’t know about you, but for me, it causes me to ruminate about it (thinking about it constantly in different ways) and worry about it (worrying about the past – what about me made this happen?, present – am I good enough?  and future – will it happen again?) incessantly.

So I know how important it is to let go of the things that have hurt us.

But it’s not easy.

In fact, it can be one of the hardest things to do. It takes us being vulnerable with ourselves and others. It takes forgiveness and faith in ourselves that we are good enough. It takes patience and kindness.

In summary, it takes a WHOLE lot to let go of pain.

So I wanted to help you a little bit. It’s not going to cure it, but it will give you a framework to walk through the act of letting go, the act of forgiving, the act of MOVING ON so that you can focus on YOU rather than the past.

Here are 5 steps to releasing your past hurts.


Thrive & Transformational Life Coach pushing you towards BIG CHANGE


1. Acknowledge the hurts.

Oftentimes the reasons why things stay with us the longest is because we do not acknowledge the way that they made us feel. For example, I had a few very good friends not even tell me they weren’t going to come to my wedding (these were very good friends, who I wouldn’t even have questioned would come, and I found out through the reply card in the mail – not through a phone call or even a text, and one didn’t even reply). I was so angry. Really angry. And I held on to it for a long time (a year at least – and I know that’s not a long time in the grand scheme of life, but it felt like a long time to me for this particular hurt) But when I looked at the anger, what was really beneath it, was hurt. It made me feel like I wasn’t liked (which of course is a really hard thing to feel, especially when friendships was already something I was sensitive about). It was fear of disconnection (and for someone who’s 3 main core desired feelings includes CONNECTED) this one hurt the most. It’s important to acknowledging the real pain beneath, not the anger which tends to mask the pain.

2. Give them space.

This is really hard to do and super intimidating, but just FEEL the hurt. Just sit with it for awhile. Let it sink in. Let it know that it is valid. We often try to push our feelings away, tell ourselves that we should not feel a certain way, but that just allows those feelings to grow, eat away at us, bring us down. Giving our hurts space, allows us to feel validated and when we feel validated it makes it easier to then move forward and release those feelings and hurts.

3. Communicate your feelings.

I encourage you to talk with the person about it. This can be super scary because you have to be vulnerable and vulnerability is freakin HARD to do a lot of the time (I wanted to write sometimes there, but had to be honest with myself, it’s hard a LOT of the time, not just sometimes). It can be “unsafe” because you don’t know how the person will react to or accept your pain. They may try to argue against it. They may be super defensive. Or they may just absorb it and apologize. They may feel your hurt. No matter if they knew of it or not, this is a big step. And if you cannot talk to the person about it, write them a letter. It doesn’t mean you have to send it (but I encourage you, if you can, do it – and by can I mean, if you know their address or email address), but just get your feelings out on paper (or on the computer, but I do encourage you to write it – there is something special and releasing about expressing yourself on paper).

4. Release it.

Big step. Let it go. Create some sort of ritual where you let it go. Maybe you do some deep breathing around the mantra of let it go or release (this one can be really powerful – I encourage you to continue the deep breathing for as long as you can physically feel it let go from your body, because you WILL feel this). Maybe you write it on a piece of paper and throw it into a fire. Or put it into a balloon and release it into the sky (although I’m so not for littering – so maybe they have biodegradable balloons these days or something that won’t hurt a bird or land in the ocean). Whatever resonates for you, do it. Take the time and do it. Set aside a special time for you to be intentional about your release.

5. Replace it.

Brainstorm what you can do that will be the opposite of how the past hurt made you feel. For example, my earlier example made me feel disconnected. So I made it a point to feel connected. It doesn’t mean I have to feel connected with the person(s) that hurt me, but feel connected with another. Truly connected. This meant reaching out and spending more time with people that I knew DID value me. Choose to spend your time focusing on the feelings that you want to feel rather than sticking with the feelings that you did NOT want to feel. Replace those feelings, counteract those feelings, CHALLENGE those feelings with good ones. That is why I make this the last step, because acknowledging and feeling your feelings is such a crucial step to the releasing process. Often we skip to this step and try to cover up our feelings with good feelings, which only serves to mask the hurt. This has to be the last step, after the acknowledging, feeling, communicating, and releasing.  

This is explored extensively in the fifth module, Release, of my course, Deserve to Thrive (learn more below). Through targeted questioning, I help you discover your past hurts/experiences/stories and limiting beliefs/schemas and take you through a step-by-step in depth process of letting them go and replacing them with more meaningful and life-giving beliefs/stories.

  Want to explore these steps more in depth and apply them to YOU?

You will definitely want to grab the accompanying workbook.

Grab your Release Past Hurts Workbook (part of the Thrive Resource library). Inside, you’ll find:

  • A Five-Step PROVEN Approach to Releasing your Hurts: Dive into my  step-by-step formula for connecting to your feelings of hurt and pain and allowing them transform into feelings that lead to thriving
  • Deep Dive Journal Prompts + Exercises: For each step, you will receive 2-3+ deep dive journal prompts and exercises helping you explore the concepts deeper and take action towards doing the necessary release work

5 steps to create a full-proof plan to achieve your desires

5 steps to create a full-proof plan to achieve your desires

Are you ready for BIG CHANGE in your life but unsure of where to start?

I have the perfect thing for you..

Download my FREE CHECKLIST: 10 action-steps to inspire BIG CHANGE and start paving your path to THRIVING.

**This post contains affiliate links where I may or may not receive a commission if you choose to buy. **



One of the most common questions that I ask clients is “What do you want.”



I have had clients tear up at that question (because they had never had someone ask them that), look at me like I was crazy (because they had no idea), and start spewing out countless wants and desires (because they have been dying to get it out and talk about what they want).



Whichever category you fall into (or create your own if you’d like), I’m hear to ask you, “What do you want?”



I’m sure you can think of a few things off the top of your head. You are here for a reason and I’m pretty sure you have a general idea of what you want, but would like a system to identify your desires and take action.



Well, I have the exact thing for you.



I’ve created a five step plan to walk you through not only identifying your desires and the wanted feelings associated with those desires, but also analyzing the various actions you could take to achieve those desired feelings each day.




Here is my 5 step plan for you:






Thrive & Transformational Life Coach pushing you towards BIG CHANGE


1. Make a list of 10 desires that you have.

You can either pick a category (health & wellness, mental health & personal development, romance, social life, financial, work/career, spiritual, or any other category you can think of) or you can list 10 desires you have that range through all the categories (in my Deserve to Thrive course I help you get real specific).

2. What feelings are associated with each desire?

Next to each desire, I want you to write a few feelings that are associated with that desire. The feelings you would feel if you had achieved that desire. The feelings you feel when you are in the act of achieving that desire. The feelings you feel when you even think about that desire.

3. Choose 3.

What do you want to feel each day? I want you to take a look at all the feelings that you listed for each of your desires. Do you see any that are repeating? I’m sure you do. Circle them. Circle all the ones that you see more than once. Then put a square around the feelings that you see three times. Then put a star next to the feelings that you see four times. Narrow it down to THREE core feelings that encompass what you want to feel through your desires. These are your core desired feelings as Danielle LaPorte states in her amazing book The Desire Map. Write these feelings down on their own page, or put them on a sticky note and place them somewhere where you will see them every day. The goal is to remind yourself that these are the feelings that you want to infuse into your day, the feelings that you want to end each day in reflection saying that you felt these feelings today, the feelings that will lead you towards your desires.

4. What actions does it take to feel that way each day?

Take a look at each of the feelings and imagine feeling them throughout your day. What actions do you need to take each day so that you feel those feelings? List out 5 actions that you can take (they can be small, no need to make them huge, you want this list to be manageable and doable so that you actually DO it!).

5. Create a plan

Create a plan to take action each day towards these desired feelings and your desires will begin to manifest themselves. Take the list of actions that you made in the last step and place them into the schedule of the day. When can you do them? When can you take those actions throughout your day? Be specific. You want to take these actions. The more specific you are, the higher the probability of you actually doing them. These are the actions that will lead you to your core desired feelings and those feelings will then lead you to your desires.

If you’d like to turn these desires into action-oriented affirmations that will energize you, orient you towards action, and infuse your body and soul with positivity each day, you will love my Create your Perfect Affirmation workbook, where I walk you through the steps to creating an affirmation that you can say daily to get yourself results and move forward in your life.

<Grab your copy here!>


This topic is explored extensively in the third module, Desire, of my upcoming course, Deserve to Thrive. Through targeted questioning, I help you discover your core desires and the feelings associated with those desires, connect them to daily actions that you can take, and create a plan for manifesting those desires through action-oriented, intentional living.

Are you ready to thrive?

Are you feeling stuck? Stagnant? Hindered from moving forward?

Then I have the PERFECT thing for you.

Introducing: My BRAND NEW course, Deserve to Thrive.

It is a 8-week self study course where I take you through the steps to thriving. You will set your intentions, create goals and daily routines, explore what is holding you back and how to overcome your obstacles.

Sound like something you’d love? I thought so.

It’s finally here!

You don’t want to miss it! 

You deserve to thrive. You owe this to yourself.

5 steps to create an intentional plan to thrive

Are you ready for BIG CHANGE in your life but unsure of where to start?

I have the perfect thing for you..

Download my FREE CHECKLIST: 10 action-steps to inspire BIG CHANGE and start paving your path to THRIVING.

You want to thrive.

You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.

You want everything that you want. You want to be your best self. You want to be able to live life on your terms.


That is what you want.

But sometimes it can be really hard to know where to start. Sometimes there are many areas in your life where you are not thriving and sometimes just one. Either way, getting started is the first obstacle that a lot of my clients face, so I wanted to devise a little step-by-step process for you to create and set your intention to thrive and begin taking action.

Intention is a loaded word.

I’m sure you hear it a lot. I know I do.

But intention is deep, inside of you. It is what drives you. It is what makes things happen. So if you want to thrive, you are going to want to set a very clear intention.

When you do that, the results are inevitable. You will thrive.

So here are 5 steps I have created for you to not only set your intention, but to live your intention in your daily life.


Thrive & Transformational Life Coach pushing you towards BIG CHANGE


Explore what thriving looks like to you.

Take a look at each of the areas of your life. These can be areas that you may already be thriving, that’s ok, I want you to just analyze the areas of your life: health & wellness, mental health & personal development, romance, social life, financial, work/career, spiritual, recreational, or any other category you can think of.  Jot a few experiences or signs/ways down in each category that would show you that you are thriving in that category.

Create a small-step plan to achieve what thriving would look like.

Choose one category and brainstorms small steps you could take towards one of the ways you would know you are thriving. For example, when it comes to my health and wellness, I know that I would be thriving when I am working out every day and I feel strong in my body. An example of a small action-step I could take would be to decide what workout I want to do (maybe I even map out a few for the week so that when it comes time to do the workout, I don’t have to think of what to do).

Create an affirmation(s).

Devise a daily affirmation that you can say each morning before you start your day that targets your intention. This affirmation needs to include what your desire is (what thriving will look like) and the steps that you are committed to taking to achieve that desire. Add in how you will feel when you achieve the desire.

If you’d like a more step-by-step process in creating affirmations that will energize you, orient you towards action, and infuse your body and soul with positivity each day, you will love my Create your Perfect Affirmation workbook, where I walk you through the steps to creating an affirmation that you can say daily to get yourself results and move forward in your life. <>

Create a routine.

Implement both your affirmation and your action-step into a daily routine. Maybe you choose a couple different action-steps if you don’t want to start with one daily step. You can weave them together into your routine, meaning you don’t have to be working out for 50 minutes every day, but if you’d like to go on a hike once a week or meal plan, you can create the plan for that in your routine. But the most important thing is to create a routine about your desire to thrive and taking daily action towards it. This is intention.

Make it known.

This is huge to set your intention because making it known makes it more real. It tells others that this is what you are working on so that they can expect you to keep to your word. You can also get an accountability partner. This is super helpful. Letting people know of what you want to do does offer a level of accountability, but having a person alongside you (maybe they are working on something of their own – this always heeds the best results) asking you how you are doing and making sure that you are keeping to your intention, is a whole different ball game and can really help you get what you want.

This is explored extensively in the second module, Choose, of my upcoming course, Deserve to Thrive. Through targeted questioning, I help you create your intention to thrive, explore what it will look like, and start your path towards an action-oriented, intentional, thriving lifestyle.


Are you ready to thrive?

Are you feeling stuck? Stagnant? Hindered from moving forward?

Then I have the PERFECT thing for you.

Introducing: My BRAND NEW course, Deserve to Thrive.

It is a 8-week self study course where I take you through the steps to thriving. You will set your intentions, create goals and daily routines, explore what is holding you back and how to overcome your obstacles.

Sound like something you’d love? I thought so.

It’s finally here!

You don’t want to miss it! 

You deserve to thrive. You owe this to yourself.

5 simple daily tasks you can do to jumpstart moving forward in your life

5 simple daily tasks you can do to jumpstart moving forward in your life

Are you ready for BIG CHANGE in your life but unsure of where to start?

I have the perfect thing for you..

Download my FREE CHECKLIST: 10 action-steps to inspire BIG CHANGE and start paving your path to THRIVING.

**This post contains affiliate links where I may or may not receive a commission if you choose to buy. **

I get to talk to a LOT of people who are in different phases of their self discovery journey.

Some have been in therapy or with coaches for years. Some have never even thought about personal development and are just getting their feet wet. Some have had difficult experiences as of late that have pushed them into their self discovery journey. And others have been on the path for a long time, trying to make it on their own.

No matter where you are in your self discovery journey, the most important thing is that you are on it, and you are making yourself a priority.


But if you are stuck on ways to start, unsure of your path, or just wavering in your belief that you can do it, I have 5 easy ways that can kickstart your self discovery journey and start you on your path towards your best self.


Thrive & Transformational Life Coach pushing you towards BIG CHANGE



Journaling is such an amazing way to explore your deepest inner thoughts. When I was going through a really tough time (a break up many years ago) I was in a position where I had none of my “people” around. I was in a foreign country and felt like I was slipping into a depression, something that I had never experienced in my life. Not only did I push myself to get out of my comfort zone and explore, but while I was doing it, I would dedicate a few hours a day to journaling. Yeah. I said a few hours. Now I know you don’t have that kind of time, and rest assured that you can make a lot of progress on only 10-15 minutes of journaling a day. What I found as I was journaling was astonishing. I was discovering parts of me that I never knew existed. Parts of me that had lay hidden and dormant. Wants and desires that I didn’t know I had. Values that I had left behind. And a strength that was inside of me all along, but was hesitant to come out. That is the power of journaling. And I encourage you, that if you are just beginning or are a few years in, journaling is ALWAYS going to be a life changer. If you’re up for a challenge, I am hosting a 14-day CHOOSE YOU challenge where I give you a journal prompt each day. The prompts are designed to push you for 10-15 minutes towards moving forward and uncovering what is beneath your surface. You can join here!


Gratitude is also something that changed my life. While reading the AMAZING book You are a Badass by Jen Sincero, she opened my eyes up to the power of pushing yourself in your gratitude. Before I read the book, I would TRY to write 3 things a day. I wasn’t very intentional about it, but maybe I would jot it down before bed in the memo app on my phone or just think about it and not even write it out. But she discusses choose TEN things that you are grateful for each day. TEN. I was mind blown by that. That is a LOT, but I thought, hey, I’ll try it. And WOW, it really changed my perspective. I was having to look at every little interaction or experience in my day because I had to come up with 10 of them to be grateful for each day. I started being more grateful for the little moments, I started thanking my husband for going to work every day (something I took for granted before), I started being more grateful for the connections I had. It was seriously life-changing. So I challenge you, choose 10 things you are grateful for each day. TEN. If you’d like a little structure to your gratitude journal, I have a free one in my Your Best Self workbook. You can grab it here. 


This one is huge for me. One of my core desired feelings is connection. And I think this is so powerful when you are on your self discovery journey. You can be connecting with people every day if you set your intention to truly connect. You could go about your work day, hang out at home, or go through the motions of your day without truly connecting with someone. So it takes some intention. And this is HUGE in your personal development to make sure you are having quality, POSITIVE connections on a daily basis. You want to surround yourself with people that build you up. You want to be influenced by others that are also working on their personal development. You want to gain inspiration from close friends and family. So I encourage you to be intentional about it. Also, if you’re looking for a community of positive, uplifting people, come hang out in the Thrive PrideIt is my Facebook community where we are ALL on the self discovery journey and helping each other as we go.


Reading is HUGE when it comes to your personal development and self discovery journey. Seriously huge. Almost integral to moving forward simply because there are so many amazing books out there that keep you in a constant state of learning and introspection. This rhythm of looking deep inside, thinking critically about your life, and learning ways to move forward is what creates the sustainability of change. It is what creates your ability to be in a constant state of growth. There are TONS of books out there and I will be starting my book club coming up soon, but in the meantime I wanted to start with two of my favorites, both which I believe are game-changers when it comes to moving forward in life. The first is the Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown. Brene Brown is SO POWERFUL in her ability to highlight our humanness and our fear of being vulnerable, which I feel are KEY to being able to become unstuck.  The second book is Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. This is actually a book I recently read and am currently beginning my journey in creating my own miracle morning, but what the book does is put into perspective the importance of spending time on your personal development and creating a space for YOU. I freakin love it. You can also join my Thrive Pride accountability group centered around creating your miracle morning and setting your intention to thrive each day.


Find a podcast that you love. Turn it on in the car. Be in a constant state of learning and development. I recently discovered the joy of podcasts when I kept hearing people not only ask which podcasts were great, but referring to themselves as podcast addicts”. I thought, hmm there must be something to this whole podcast thing, so I thought to give it a try. And I freakin love it. I have it in my habit tracker to listen to at least one podcast a day, and it’s actually a pretty easy habit to stick to since there are so many and I learn so much from them. A great resource is from Julie over at Hello Peaceful MindCheck it out here.  This was the resource I used when I first decided I wanted to explore podcasts and I have loved them all! I listen most regularly to Happier with Gretchen Rubin, but really recommend any of them.

If you’re ready to thrive and deepen (or start) your personal development and self discovery journey, then you will LOVE my THRIVE checklist. You can grab your copy here for free! 

Are you ready to thrive?

Are you feeling stuck? Stagnant? Hindered from moving forward?

Then I have the PERFECT thing for you.

Introducing: My BRAND NEW course, Deserve to Thrive.

It is a 8-week self study course where I take you through the steps to thriving. You will set your intentions, create goals and daily routines, explore what is holding you back and how to overcome your obstacles.

Sound like something you’d love? I thought so.

It’s finally here!

You don’t want to miss it! 

You deserve to thrive. You owe this to yourself.

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