Soul to Soul Connection: How to Attract your soulmate clients

Grow your relationships. Connect with your ideal client. GET VISIBLE.

Grab your FREE Rock Your Facebook Lives Planner so you get visible with INTENTION.

One of the #1 struggles I see with my client’s is FINDING their ideal or like I like to call them SOULMATE clients.

In this video, I walk you through the THREE most important strategies to attracting your soulmate clients so you get to do the work you LOVE to do.

HEY BRAVE SOUL! I’m Alessandra Braun, The Thrive Coach.

I am a Mindset Coach + Biz-Building strategist for brave female entrepreneurs ready to step into who they are MEANT to be and build the business of their dreams. I help female coaches and service providers, like YOU, START, GROW, and SCALE their online businesses through visibility strategy, creating passive income products to scale your business, and developing a SIX-FIGURE mindset of whole-hearted belief in their business AND selves. I help you create a MOVEMENT surrounding your passions and make an IMPACT on the world, all while making an INCOME that makes you EXCITED every single day to get up and do your souls work.

SOUL TO SOUL CLIENT CONNECTION: Three Strategies to attract your soulmate clients

1. Visualizing her

2. Feeling her

3. Making Space for her

You know you are a FEW CLIENTS AWAY from some serious traction in your business…

Am I right?!

I know I’m right.

So let me clue you into my FAVORITE way of booking clients… FACEBOOK LIVE.

Facebook live grew my business from ZERO clients to fully booked in only TWO months. So, DUH, I highly recommend it.

But I’m not here to convince you that live video is where it’s at, no, you know that.

You just need a system.

So I’m going to give it to you.

In this FREE planner, I will walk you through:

  • My step-by-step content creation system to always know WHAT to say and easily create a visibility plan that you can stick to
  • A checklist of what you need to do BEFORE you go live so that you are prepared
  • Questions and prompts to help you engage your audience DURING so you can 1) build your know, like, and trust factor and 2) show Facebook that more people should see your content (thus boosting your visibility)
  • A checklist of what to do with your live AFTER so you can reach more potential clients and customers
  • I also give you space to reflect about the live so that you are continuously getting BETTER (this has been HUGE for my business and growing my confidence on lives).

This planner + system is valued at $49 – I HAVE sold this before, but decided, heck yes I need to give this away for FREE for a limited time! So HOP. ON. IT!!

Grab your ROCK YOUR FACEBOOK LIVE Planner for FREE (only a limited time!!) and get visible with INTENTION!!

How to Assess your Current Visibility Plan

Grow your relationships. Connect with your ideal client. GET VISIBLE.

Grab your FREE Rock Your Facebook Lives Planner so you get visible with INTENTION.

For a long time in my business, I solely used Pinterest to gather leads, get coaching clients, and sell my products/courses. And it was AWESOME. My business grew every day on autopilot (often I would even wake up to sales!).

But I realized something was missing. I wanted MORE connection. Just having connection with my clients and the occasional emails just didn’t feel like it was enough for me to scale my business the way that I wanted to.

So I decided that I wanted to create a visibility plan ON TOP OF my current Pinterest plan.

But first, I had to assess what I was currently doing and if I just needed to up what I was doing, or create a whole new plan.

Today I’m going to walk you through the FOUR questions that I asked myself (and now I’m asking you) to jumpstart my visibility plan in order to attract my IDEAL clients.

HEY BRAVE SOUL! I’m Alessandra Braun, The Thrive Coach.

I am a Mindset Coach + Biz-Building strategist for brave female entrepreneurs ready to step into who they are MEANT to be and build the business of their dreams. I help female coaches and service providers, like YOU, START, GROW, and SCALE their online businesses through visibility strategy, creating passive income products to scale your business, and developing a SIX-FIGURE mindset of whole-hearted belief in their business AND selves. I help you create a MOVEMENT surrounding your passions and make an IMPACT on the world, all while making an INCOME that makes you EXCITED every single day to get up and do your souls work.


1. What is your visibility plan? Do you have one? Do you have one?

2. Is it consistent?

3. How is it working for you right now?

4. What do you imagine you need in order to connect with your ideal clients more often?

I go into greater detail in the video training below. I walk you through the questions so that you know exactly what you need to assess your current visibility plan so that you can increase your chances of getting in front of your ideal clients and GROW YOUR BUSINESS!

You know you are a FEW CLIENTS AWAY from some serious traction in your business…

Am I right?!

I know I’m right.

So let me clue you into my FAVORITE way of booking clients… FACEBOOK LIVE.

Facebook live grew my business from ZERO clients to fully booked in only TWO months. So, DUH, I highly recommend it.

But I’m not here to convince you that live video is where it’s at, no, you know that.

You just need a system.

So I’m going to give it to you.

In this FREE planner, I will walk you through:

  • My step-by-step content creation system to always know WHAT to say and easily create a visibility plan that you can stick to
  • A checklist of what you need to do BEFORE you go live so that you are prepared
  • Questions and prompts to help you engage your audience DURING so you can 1) build your know, like, and trust factor and 2) show Facebook that more people should see your content (thus boosting your visibility)
  • A checklist of what to do with your live AFTER so you can reach more potential clients and customers
  • I also give you space to reflect about the live so that you are continuously getting BETTER (this has been HUGE for my business and growing my confidence on lives).

This planner + system is valued at $49 – I HAVE sold this before, but decided, heck yes I need to give this away for FREE for a limited time! So HOP. ON. IT!!

Grab your ROCK YOUR FACEBOOK LIVE Planner for FREE (only a limited time!!) and get visible with INTENTION!!

How to create relationships in your business through a visibility plan

Grow your relationships. Connect with your ideal client. GET VISIBLE.

Grab your FREE Rock Your Facebook Lives Planner so you get visible with INTENTION.

Your visibility plan is about to EXPLODE your business through the power of relationships. But you HAVE to have one. Here’s a quick article + video on assessing your current visibility plan. When you are getting visible, you are consistently putting yourself out there in a way that attracts deeper relationships with other online entrepreneurs. It is SO. MUCH. FUN. The online space can be a lonely one if you’re not cultivating and nurturing relationships. But there are a few different types of relationships that are going to grow your business consistently week after week, day after day. In this video, I walk you through the 5 ways that visibility grows relationships and in turn, Up-levels your business into the one that you have been DREAMING about.  

HEY BRAVE SOUL! I’m Alessandra Braun, The Thrive Coach.

I am a Mindset Coach + Biz-Building strategist for brave female entrepreneurs ready to step into who they are MEANT to be and build the business of their dreams. I help female coaches and service providers, like YOU, START, GROW, and SCALE their online businesses through visibility strategy, creating passive income products to scale your business, and developing a SIX-FIGURE mindset of whole-hearted belief in their business AND selves. I help you create a MOVEMENT surrounding your passions and make an IMPACT on the world, all while making an INCOME that makes you EXCITED every single day to get up and do your souls work.

5 ways your visibility strategy grows your relationships + your business

1. Potential Clients 2. Potential Referrals 3. Getting Taggable 4. Potential Collaborations 5. Potential Mentors/Coaches Watch the video training to learn more about each one and how they have helped me grow my own business. I walk you through each way and give you examples from my own business and how they can help you grow your business!

You know you are a FEW CLIENTS AWAY from some serious traction in your business…

Am I right?!

I know I’m right.

So let me clue you into my FAVORITE way of booking clients… FACEBOOK LIVE.

Facebook live grew my business from ZERO clients to fully booked in only TWO months. So, DUH, I highly recommend it.

But I’m not here to convince you that live video is where it’s at, no, you know that.

You just need a system.

So I’m going to give it to you.

In this FREE planner, I will walk you through:

  • My step-by-step content creation system to always know WHAT to say and easily create a visibility plan that you can stick to
  • A checklist of what you need to do BEFORE you go live so that you are prepared
  • Questions and prompts to help you engage your audience DURING so you can 1) build your know, like, and trust factor and 2) show Facebook that more people should see your content (thus boosting your visibility)
  • A checklist of what to do with your live AFTER so you can reach more potential clients and customers
  • I also give you space to reflect about the live so that you are continuously getting BETTER (this has been HUGE for my business and growing my confidence on lives).

This planner + system is valued at $49 – I HAVE sold this before, but decided, heck yes I need to give this away for FREE for a limited time! So HOP. ON. IT!!

Grab your ROCK YOUR FACEBOOK LIVE Planner for FREE (only a limited time!!) and get visible with INTENTION!!

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