You know you are a FEW CLIENTS AWAY from some serious traction in your business…

Am I right?!

I know I’m right.

So let me clue you into my FAVORITE way of booking clients… FACEBOOK LIVE.

Facebook live grew my business from ZERO clients to fully booked in only TWO months. So, DUH, I highly recommend it.

But I’m not here to convince you that live video is where it’s at, no, you know that.

You just need a system.

So I’m going to give it to you.

In this FREE planner, I will walk you through:

  • My step-by-step content creation system to always know WHAT to say and easily create a visibility plan that you can stick to
  • A checklist of what you need to do BEFORE you go live so that you are prepared
  • Questions and prompts to help you engage your audience DURING so you can 1) build your know, like, and trust factor and 2) show Facebook that more people should see your content (thus boosting your visibility)
  • A checklist of what to do with your live AFTER so you can reach more potential clients and customers
  • I also give you space to reflect about the live so that you are continuously getting BETTER (this has been HUGE for my business and growing my confidence on lives).

This planner + system is valued at $49 – I HAVE sold this before, but decided, heck yes I need to give this away for FREE for a limited time! So HOP. ON. IT!!

Grab your ROCK YOUR FACEBOOK LIVE Planner for FREE (only a limited time!!) and get visible with INTENTION!!

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