Day 2:


Show Notes

1. CREATE THE SPACE FOR YOU – space is both internal and external, making the space within yourself (psychologically, emotionally) and the actual tangible space of time and energy- Journal Prompt: How will I create the space for myself every day? – What space do I need to make internally? How do I prioritize myself – how do I put myself ahead of my to-do list?

2. ACCEPT THAT I NEED CHANGE AND THAT I CAN DO IT – Intention – I accept that I need and want to change. I accept that I can put in the work and that I WILL succeed. – Journal Prompt – Write what comes up for you when you write this intention.

3. CHOOSE WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE – Journal prompt – What area of change will impact my life the most? – Evaluate your life. What is going on for you? What are relationships like? What is work like? How is your health? Etc etc etc. WHAT IS IMPACT? How will you know that this area will make the most positive impact for you?

4. IDENTIFY YOUR OBSTACLES – Journal prompt – What could possibly get in my way on my journey towards change?

5. BRAINSTORM WAYS TO OVERCOME OBSTACLES – this is creating your plan to THRIVE. If you do the work RIGHT NOW, to plan for obstacles, to plan for how you will over come them and challenge them, THERE IS NOT OBSTACLE THAT YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO OVERCOME.

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